I found PBWiki and Wetpaint equally friendly to navigate, add pages to, edit, etc. I encountered some difficulty directing my new page to just the 'right' place on the navigation bar (in the Wetpaint wiki) but I asked for some direction from an expert and soon my page was located below the heading 'McMaster' (Thanks, Mark!)
The basic structure of a wiki is very similar to that of the blogging sites/tools we've worked with so far, so it wasn't a giant leap to start to use a wiki. (I think that the DigitalReferenceShelf wiki will come in handy when I start my shifts next week on the Research Help Desk.)
Generally speaking, I can see why wiki makes an ideal collaborative tool for learning, sharing and disseminating information expediently.
On a darker note, Jaron Lanier, a computer scientist and digital visionary wrote a very interesting article about Wikipedia ~ that most famous wiki of all ~ for Edge: the third culture:
Digital Maoism: the hazards of the new online collectivism
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