Tamicio does del.icio.us
The aspect of Del.icio.us I found most interesting and cool was the 'Tag Cloud' . When I searched for all the popular tags that people use the most in Del.icio.us, a bunch of words form a "cloud" shape, with the most popular words (tags) appearing in larger font than less popular tags. To a large extent, popular tags in Del.icio.us are related to technology and computing (there are also many leisure related tags too, such as travel, shopping, photography and music) . I tried to add "Library 2.0" as a tag for my own blog but Del.icio.us did not accept it, as typed, because the tag field will accept one word, although I suspect it may have worked with Library_2.0 (?) I tagged the ETG blog and noted that 4 other people had also tagged us. When I tagged my own blog, I simply added "library" as a tag. "Library" appears in the [popularity ranked] 'tag cloud' but it is in smallish letters (not tagged quite often as a term like Web2.0 or Google, which appear in larger fonts in the cloud).I like the idea that Del.icio.us is a alternative way to bookmark sites, and that I can access them from another computer. There is a way to bring all your Mozilla Firefox bookmarked pages over to Del.icio.us but I have not attempted that yet. I found myself looking at (popular) tagged sites just to see how many other people had also tagged the same site: if it was over 5,000, I would have a look to see what all the fuss was about!
Flickr is really cool too. I clicked to see the display of "all time most popular tags" and viewed what looked like an arrangement of words in a cloud! hmmm. Here I clicked on the tag for cat and found some really awesome cat photos. In Flickr's popular tag grouping, the tags with the largest font were family, friends, party, vacation and wedding (all things that people like to take lots of photos of!)
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