People who have been cropping and altering their digital photos for eons will probably not get as excited as I did earlier today when I learned that there are many ways to alter photos (minimally, of course). How cool is that? Improvement isn't an option for every photo, but I was thrilled just to be able to take pics and "rotate clockwise"! Wow. Imagine that! In other news, I stumbled across several websites and blogs related to the vet clinic volunteer work I did in Akumal. Lo and behold, there was even a photo of "Tita" the kitten admitted on Sunday, May 18th (minus a Mom or any siblings). Apparently, she has become rather violent (must be the feral in her). She keeps her parents up all night and bites excessively. This is the darling little kitten I wanted to bring home to Scooper. This move would have resulted in drama and disaster, sending Scoops to an early grave (or a late one, if you consider the fact that she is now 19). I would forever feel guilty for bringing this chaos and tumult into her life, whether it ultimately killed her or just seriously stressed her out. Nope, no more cats in this household.
Now, if I could just figure out how to insert images into different areas in one blog post. Why do they also get placed at the top, before the text? Odd.