I've let a lot of time pass since my last post, but I refuse to berate myself for this. (And yet I really wish I could make myself write more.) There are only two months left until my leave starts. I am going south to work at CEA (Centrol Ecologico Akumal) in Mexico. I'll be volunteering (details at this point are somewhat sketchy). I'm not too concerned. If I have free time on my hands when I get there, I'll start writing my first novel. Oh sure. So at CEA they help sea turtles who make their home [nests] along the Maya coast. There are Green turtles and Loggerhead turtles and volunteers come to CEA every year from April to November to relocate their nests to safer spots and to release hatchlings. I've found out that my friend Trish is also going to Mexico in May so we should be able to share a ride to the airport and take the same flight to Cancun.