It might pick up on January 7 when the students come back.
Yes, the students. The clientele of this fine establishment. How I miss the hustle and bustle of the Learning Commons: that crazed, hyper, busy, wired, social-hub-of-a-room, dubbed "Club Mills" by everyone who doesn't work here. Technology trumps books and anything written on paper, ladies and gentlemen, in case you haven't been paying attention. I see it every day.
Today's library buzz word is... digitization. Can you say digitization, boys and girls? Soon, thanks to Google, you'll be able to read anything written in the world from the comfort of your laptop. In English, I guess. I'm not sure they've figured out how to deal with those other languages.
Yep, rapid tech advancement is the name of the game and it's happening faster than you can shake a pen at. But people don't communicate with pens, so I should forget about altering my sayings to give them literary flair. Make that a stick, please. A carrot stick, because it's January 2 so I naturally must think about eating less and eating better (whatever that means).
On the subject of writing, with pens, or carrots, or otherwise, I'll have you know that my latest article has been published in Perspectives. You may remember when I posted on May 28, 2007 (or just look below this post for goodness sake since 7 months is too long ago for anyone to remember anything) to tell you the Summer 2007 issue was out. Finally, just before we all broke for the holidays (hmm, broke and holidays... how those two go together so very well), the winter issue of Perspectives was released. For my article, see the Mac Facts section, but not until you've read my Mom's article and the editorial (also written by Marlene Monster). Enjoy.
Oh, and a quick word about LOLcats. I luvs dem. I don't care that the english language is being defiled: that is what makes the photos (+ captions) so wonderful and thoroughly charming. I had a brief discussion about LOLcats with a librarian, (also an English major, like me) and she finds the corrupted english to be annoying. Maybe she doesn't like cats either, maybe that's her problem. Perhaps it could be that her shoes are too tight. My apologies to this librarian if she reads my post, I still luv ya ML, but I will forever worship I Can Has Cheezburger. I can't start my day without checking the new photos through my RSS feeds. As you can see, I was so inspired by one of today's LOLcats that it came before anything else. Let us end this post with one of my favourites from last year...